A responsible company is close to the community


We promise to engage in open dialogue with our stakeholders, help maintain climate’s and nature’s carrying capacity with resource-wise solutions, help our customers achieve their sustainability goals, and develop equality in our all operations. This is how we work for a more sustainable, fair and equal future.

Monitoring group

A monitoring group has been established for the project, with representatives from local residents, landowners, municipality and authorities. The monitoring group holds meetings 2-4 times a year, aiming to improve information flow and function as a natural channel for discussion between the various actors.


The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the project is completed.  The report with appendices and official statement are accessible at web site.

The documentation is available exclusively in Finnish.

Permit process

For the operation to go ahead, it requires mining and mining safety permits issued by the mining authority, the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (TUKES), and an environmental permit issued by the environmental permit authority, the Regional State Administrative Agency (AVI). The mining authority supervises the operation for their part, while the local Center for Economic Development, Transport and Environment (ELY Centre) is the supervising authority for the environmental permit.

A modern plant through metamorphosis

Our goal is a true 2030s production facility that utilizes the best available technology with innovation and energy-efficiency. In the beneficiation process, we aim to have a closed-water circuit and to deposit tailings as sand instead of using traditional tailings pond depositing. There are barely any acid-producing minerals in the ore and its wall rocks, which is also a significant advantage in terms of the operation’s impact on the environment and water bodies. We are also investigating the possibilities of utilizing production side streams.

nordic talc logo

Commitment stems from community

The Kivikangas quarry has been operational since 1999. The municipality of Suomussalmi and the local community have taken a positive stance on the operations and the advancement of the talc project. We want to nurture this community spirit and strengthen the vitality of the region through job creation. For the experienced and committed workforce in the region, the talc project, if realized, will bring employment opportunities for decades.

Talc production would bring some changes to the quarry’s operations, but with good planning and dialogue any inconvenience for nearby residents can be minimized.